The Desert Soundscape Tour (Connection Concealed Part 5)

Welcome to the Desert Soundscape Script Tour!

Curious to find out more about the story, the characters and how it all comes together in the soundscape of each episode?

Grab your headphones and follow me, your guide, to the year 2061. Don’t worry, we’re taking the time machine. Ready? Set? Let’s go!


(PDF for small screens. Download PDF for large screens here.)


Tip: download the episode on your phone or mp3 player so you can easily pause while reading the extra comments in the script.



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14 responses to “The Desert Soundscape Tour (Connection Concealed Part 5)”

  1. Annie Avatar

    ? Was this briefly a link on the community timeline? *shakes head* It doesn’t really matter. LOL I thought I linked to this Soundscape Script Tour from the community timeline and then when I finished, the link was gone from there. Anyway…

    This is great! I was happy to realize that I had caught most of what was there…but, you certainly pointed out some other things I had missed. Like when his voice bounced off the car and went from right to left (or vice versa, I already cannot remember. LOL) in my headphones. Also, when Louise was struggling with the gear, I heard that but had missed her swear until you helped me out with that. LOL

    Like I said earlier…this (episode/story/podcast) is TOP NOTCH! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

    I definitely enjoyed this script tour and would welcome more of this anytime. And I also want to put in a second vote for a repeat of the voice over commentating, like you did that one other time. (If I was Marcie, I would either already know what episode of The Diva Story that was, or I would take the time to figure it out. LOL Marcie? A little help here? Thanks. πŸ˜πŸ˜‰)

    1. Marcie53 Avatar

      haha Right off the top of my head it was Part 13 when they went to dinner. Hannah was watching the rehearsal and was replaying the evening before in her mind.

    2. Marcie53 Avatar

      I really like that too πŸ˜‰

    3. Marcie53 Avatar

      Oh on second thought maybe you are talking about when Sigrid describes it like this? That was Part 33 with Hannah and Lucile at the theatre.

      1. Annie Avatar

        Yes, that one! LOL Thank you! Wait? Is it, is it the one where there is an audio voice over to help with the soundsacape? Regardless, Sigrid knows what I’m talking about! 🀣🀣🀣

        1. Marcie53 Avatar

          In Part 19 (starts off in bed together after some fun…) there is an extra where Sigrid talks to us. That was nice.

    4. Sigrid Avatar

      Yes, I was still working on the newsletter and it briefly popped up while I created the post πŸ˜‰

      Thank you so much, Annie! Your enthusiasm gives me so much energy to keep working. I’d love to do another commentary episode. Just have to make/ find the time. But I will ^^

      1. Annie Avatar

        πŸ€— Well, I’m glad I can bring something to you…all I ever feel is that you give so much to me. πŸ€—

  2. Marcie53 Avatar

    This was really deep. I liked the insight into their personalities – mostly Louise. The use of music/sounds/movements to bring them to life is amazing. Even felt my heart racing a bit more this time around.

    1. Sigrid Avatar

      Thank you :):) I couldn’t help but defend Louise, haha. I guess I’m very fond of her already.

  3. KayJay Avatar

    Ooh! This is fascinating! πŸ˜€ I’m glad to notice I caught most of the details, but not all – so there’s always room to listen again over and over!

    I love seeing how deliberately well thought out the music choices are, in particular. I’d wondered if you went on gut feeling with the music or if you looked for specific details for specific reasons. So yeah, fascinating!

    Thank you for sharing! πŸ˜€

    1. Sigrid Avatar

      It’s usually gut feeling that grows into patterns and then concious choices πŸ™‚

  4. Romi Avatar

    This is really awesome! I love sounds scapes. I enjoy how you paint the scenes and add in the sounds to flow. The story feels like I’m watching a movie!

    1. Sigrid Avatar

      Thank you πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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