Worth The Risk Part 31 ‘Onions’ Early Access (Full Episode)

Hello, friends, 

I don’t even have the words to express my horror over the war in Ukraine. Every time I check the news, I am more horrified and saddened by the state of our world. My thoughts are with all the victims of this senseless violence and Ukrainians around the globe. 

Personally, I am feeling a lot better. The rib pain is almost gone and I am no longer coughing. It’s also a lot easier to get work done now that I have this new place where I can find peace and rest. It really is a blessing. Muriel and I are still on the best of terms, by the way. I am grateful that we can honor our relationship in this way. 

It is with great joy that I can share this latest episode with you! Unfortunately, I still will not share it on Spotify. It seems the Rogan storm has blown over but not much has changed. I will continue to monitor Spotify’s choices and policies. I hope they will change course one day. (I’m not holding my breath, though.) 

Luckily, you can listen to this episode anywhere else. 😉 





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