Worth The Risk Part 01 ‘Red Tape’ Early Access (Full Episode)

Hello, fellow romantics,

I’m proud to present the first episode of Worth The Risk to you today!

I wouldn’t have been able to create the first part of this new story without the help of fellow romantics.

B, who has inspired me to write this story by holding me accountable and speaking their truth.
M, who’s been very supportive and generous while giving me feedback on this script.
Muriel, who is always my biggest fan and toughest critic.
You, the fellow romantics who support my work financially and helped me fund the creation of this episode.

THANK YOU, all of you, from the bottom of my heart.

I can’t wait to hear what you think!

Much love,


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One response to “Worth The Risk Part 01 ‘Red Tape’ Early Access (Full Episode)”

  1. Anna

    Nice! Can’t wait for the next episodes!!

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