The very first Sound Globe (Walk)

Throughout the years, fellow romantics told me that they love falling asleep with the podcast. I never quite knew what to think of that. Is it because my voice is soothing? Or because my stories are boring? 😉

In 2023, I want to try some new creative things. I decided to lean into what fellow romantics were telling me: I am going to create something you can listen to specifically to relax and unwind. Or fall asleep. 

Introducing… The first ‘Sound Globe.’

This is an audio experience designed to be listened to through headphones!

6 responses to “The very first Sound Globe (Walk)”

  1. Djuspray Avatar

    Awesome !! I loved it! Please feel free to create other audio like it.😊 As always, really great work 😀

    1. Hélène Avatar

      So true! Great voice, great sound effects!

  2. Noelie Avatar

    Hey! I did listen to TLR to fall asleep. It helped a lot for my insomnia. And I ended up relistening the same episodes few times to make sure I didn’t miss a part when I was asleep hehe.m

  3. Jackie Avatar

    Sigrid, you have a wonderful voice. Thank you for this gift.

  4. Sally Avatar

    Oh this was helpful. You have such a sweet comforting voice. Thank you

  5. Ngaire Avatar

    Love this. Sigrid you need to do more of this work.
    A lot of people myself included have trouble sleeping. Your voice is a natural gift.
    Look forward to more sound globe episodes
    Thank you 😊 💓

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