The Diva Story Early Access: Part 25 Script Excerpt

It’s Wednesday! That means it’s time for the weekly sneak peak of what happens in the next episode. Here’s the script excerpt of part 25 of The Diva Story 🙂

Have a great day, my fellow romantics.



PS: Did you know TLR was nominated for several Audio Verse Awards? Winning one of those awards would give the podcast some extra publicity and that would really help me out. Your vote can make this happen.


Script Excerpt Part 25


Hannah stared at the bedroom ceiling. Even though her eyes were burning from exhaustion, sleep didn’t seem to be on the menu tonight.

She sighed in frustration and rolled onto her side. Charles was lying so close to her head the tip of her nose ended up in his thick black fur.

The cat was purring loudly and clearly wanted to stay as close to his owner as possible. Hannah found the sweet spot behind his ear and scratched.

“Missed me that much, huh?” she said. Charles purred even louder, pushing his head against her hand. Hannah smiled tiredly.

“At least someone’s happy,” she thought. She closed her eyes and focused on the sounds and vibration of her pet’s happy murmurs. Maybe it would help her fall asleep.

Hannah hadn’t slept well since she had gotten back from Houston, and that was 4 long days ago. She had tried everything: from a hot shower to a large glass of whiskey right before going to bed.

Hannah squeezed her eyes shut even harder. She took in a deep breath and let it out again slowly. Finally, she groaned and pushed herself up.

“This is not working,” she mumbled to herself as she got out of bed. “Sorry Charles,” she added when Charles yelped unhappily and immediately got up too.

Hannah picked up her phone from the nightstand. She was disappointed to see she had no new notifications. She had hoped for a message from Milly after tonight’s show.

She and Milly had been sending each other quite a few text messages every day. They had even talked on the phone for the first time yesterday.

Hannah had been relieved to hear Milly’s voice. The truth was, she really missed Milly. It was ridiculous, of course. Hannah used to be perfectly fine by herself.

But after spending several dinners, a hot morning and a mind-blowing night with Milly, Hannah had to admit she liked being in her company more than being alone.

She also liked who she was around Milly. Hannah felt more relaxed, was more open to new experiences and just seemed to enjoy life more, in general, when Milly was around.

Unfortunately, Milly would remain in Houston for another 2 weeks. Also, it wasn’t like they would see each other every day once she got back. Hannah would just have to get used to missing her.

She wrapped her bathrobe around herself tightly and sat down on the couch. Her laptop was waiting on the living room coffee table. She knew her inbox still had about 200 unread messages. She might as well use these sleepless hours to catch up on her work.

Hannah opened one of Patrick’s messages. He had not been amused when Hannah had told him she had skipped most of the appointments he had set up for her in Houston.

“Good thing he has been with the company for such a long time or he’d have me nominated for worst CEO of the year,” Hannah smirked.

“And it’s good thing I’m the big boss now or my mother would give me an old school scolding about setting an example. I really messed up last week.”

She was typing yet another apology to Patrick, when her phone rang. She looked up in surprise. It was 1.30 in the morning. Who on earth would call her at this hour?

Hannah picked up the phone from the table, glanced at the screen and smiled brightly. It was Milly. She must have just gotten home from work. Hannah had mentioned she could call at any hour.

“Well, hello,” Hannah said with a low voice, trying to sound like one of those smooth late night radio talk hosts. “Looking for a midnight chat?” She wiggled her eyebrows.

“It’s me” Milly shrieked.

4 responses to “The Diva Story Early Access: Part 25 Script Excerpt”

  1. Meg

    Hopefully that’s a shriek not from a hospital room! 😳😱

    1. What do you think happened?

      1. Marcie53

        I think she escaped maybe and ran away in the woods?

  2. Marcie53

    I broke down and couldn’t help but read this week. 🙂

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