Stomach flu 😷 Have to take a break!


A pretty nasty bug got the better of me these last 2 days. I’m still recovering and I won’t be able to get back to work until later in the week.

I briefly considered doing a super intensive sprint and get the next episode out on time anyway, but then I thought of my own latest vlog and decided against it.

I am going to take the time to recover fully and then resume a normal, healthy schedule afterward. 🙂 That means part 15 will not be available until July 6th for early listeners.

Hopefully, some excerpts can entertain you in the meantime! Keep an eye on this space to make sure you don’t miss them!

Okay, let’s see if I can manage eating another banana…


One response to “Stomach flu 😷 Have to take a break!”

  1. CJ;💜

    I’m so glad you’re prioritizing your health. Feel better soon!

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