(Audio) Part 19 Audio Commentary

The Lesbian Romantic is now part of The Bells and Whistles Theater

The Bells & Whistles Theater is special because it only has 100 seats, cozy and comfortable. You can find the entrance in your podcast player, but only if you have a ticket.

Those 100 tickets are available exclusively to super fans of The Lesbian Romantic Podcast. You can book a ticket if a seat is available, but you have to commit. This is not a one-time purchase. This is an on-going intimate experience, created with great amounts of love, especially and exclusively for you.

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37 responses to “(Audio) Part 19 Audio Commentary”

  1. […] PS: There’s something in here that I also used in The Blogger Story. Who knows what it is? See the Audio Commentary for the answer πŸ˜‰ […]

  2. Mx. Nat

    This is so great!

    While I listened to episode 19 earlier today I found myself literally taking a step back and saying “Alright Milly, I see you girl, I get you now!”. For the first time I viewed her in a different light. On the surface she presents herself to be somewhat innocent and reserved; not a confident and headstrong seductress! Milly is still trying to make a name for herself and figuring out how to best navigate her blossoming career, so she is definitely not a ‘Diva’ on stage (yet) but apparently a goddess between the sheets! It seems to me that Hannah better buckle up ::wink::

    This was so insightful, I really enjoyed this behind the scenes commentary! I have never heard anyone else do this. I want to assure you that as a listener I am picking up what you are putting down.

    I also am in awe of how much work actually goes into this. You absolutely put out a great podcast with fresh content, but the content appears to be the easiest part. It is incredible how detailed, dedicated, and good you are. I also want to tip my hat to your wife, I know from experience how important support and confidence from your loved one is!

    Thanks Sigrid,

    1. Sigrid

      Hey Natalie,

      Thank you for the kind comment!

      Haha, I just told my wife yesterday: β€˜Sometimes, I wish I could just be a writer, you know. Why did I have to start a podcast?!’

      Don’t worry, I only said that because I was impatient to get back to Hannah and Milly. I wanted to write and find out what they are up to, but had a full day of editing audio ahead of me instead.

      But! There’s nothing like *hearing* it all coming together. I guess it wouldn’t be so rewarding if it wasn’t so much work πŸ˜€

      I love reading how you look at Milly. I have to agree. I have the same feeling. Kinda like: β€œOoooh. You are NOT a β€˜good’ girl AT ALL. Well, well, well….’

      Sometimes I catch myself mumbling β€˜poor Hannah’ while writing. She indeed better buckle up.Twice.

      1. Loved this response πŸ™‚

  3. laline Avatar

    This was really cool. Like, classically cool. Thanks!

    1. Sigrid

      Huh. I was so sure I typed a reply to this πŸ™‚ Thank you! I liked recording it too!

  4. Jenni

    Cheers for doing that.enjoyed it πŸ™‚

    Jenni x

    1. Sigrid

      I really enjoyed recording it πŸ˜€ Happy it was fun for you too as a relistener πŸ˜€

  5. LaLine

    If you need stomach grumbling sounds, there’s a guy at work who’s stomach is so loud you can hear it 2 cubicles away.

    How’s that for a random factoid popping out of my half-asleep brain?

    1. Sigrid

      LOL. It makes me think about letting people sending in sounds and then I try to use them in a future episode. But that’s just my hyper afternoon brain πŸ˜€

      1. Annie

        I was thinking about this earlier…I thought, maybe if you needed some crowd noises, some murmurs, it would be fun if we could send in sound bites that you could overlay. *shrug

        1. Sigrid

          Will chew on this πŸ˜‰ It sounds like fun even if it is a one time thing or something. I will put this idea in my subconscious idea processor and see what it send back in a couple of weeks πŸ˜‰

          1. Annie

            Well, if anyone can make it work…it’s you. πŸ™‚

            So, about this commentary…I really loved it. I just loved hearing about your process and getting some more insight to what’s going on and why you’ve chosen certain things. πŸ™‚ I really hope that you’ll do this again…at least once per story!

            I loved when you said that the sheet movement sounds on the left were for Milly and vise versa…because it made me realize how much that actually worked…since, my mind had them on those prospective sides. πŸ˜„πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» Your work makes it’s so easy to imagine/visualize what is happening. 😊

  6. Meg

    Wow Sigrid, just wow 😳! The audio commentary was fantastic. I enjoyed listening to your thoughts, insights and processes into creating such an incredible storyline.
    Thank You, Meg

    1. JDavisπŸ’š

      Sigrid, the commentary is GREAT! Annie hit the nail spot on, hearing about your process and the things you consider when putting your podcast together explain why I enjoy it so thoroughly.

      I particularly liked hearing the back story about the difficulties that came up at lunch. A good reminder that people are all unique!

      I hope you continue to do this in the future.

      So, now back to the waiting for part 20!


    2. Sigrid

      Aww thx Meg and J πŸ™‚ I’m running out of things to say, hehe. *blush*

  7. JDavisπŸ’š

    Ok, question for the group as we all head to the weekend? What’s our favorite Friday evening beverage to sip while eagerly awaiting Sigrid’s next installment? For me; a drink named Helen, who a close friend who lives in the Philippines.

    1.5 oz bourbon
    1 oz peach schnapps
    Add ginger ale to taste

    Very refreshing and you can change the sweetness by using more or less schnapps.

    What are your favorite Friday drinks?

    1. Annie

      I’m so boring. I don’t really drink. And I really don’t like beer…like…at all. I know, I’ve just personally hurt many of your hearts. LOL I was addicted to pepsi, but I stopped buying it for home and now only have soda sometimes. Mainly, I drink water. To shake it up, I’ll sometimes have soy chocolate milk (LOL) or lemonade. If I were to actually drink (which happens about 3 or so times a year), I do like classic margaritas on the rocks, with salt. 😁

      1. Sigrid

        Annie, not drinking doesn’t make you boring πŸ™‚ My wife also doesn’t like beer, except for the very sweet and fruity kind. Yikes.

        I actually love soy chocolate milk. I worked for Alpro as a consultant for a couple of years. It’s part of the WhiteWave group that has Silk out in the US.

        Mmmmm any cocktail with salt is good too.

        1. Annie

          I didn’t even know that beer can be very sweet and fruity. LOL

          Yeah, the soy chocolate milk is yummy. First had when visiting one of my sisters a few years ago.

          And, yes, salt. πŸ‘…

      2. Jenni

        Annie,I don’t really drink either,If I have a drink,it’s maybe at a friend wedding or other type of occasion but yea,it’s like 3/4 times a year. Its usually wine,whiskey or vodka if I do and it’s only a couple of drinks on the night.

        I use to get stick for it growing up but I use to laugh it off by saying I’m too much of a control freak to lose that much control.

        When I got my licence,I just became the disinated driver and I was fine with that,I could dance all night on a bottle of water.

        I love oatly chocolate milk myself,heat it up for a wee hot chocolate πŸ™‚

        I’m a tea addict but sometimes I’ll just juice a lemon and add hot water πŸ™‚

        1. Annie

          I like wine, also…red. A Shiraz or a merlot. Yeah, when I drink, it’s just one, maybe two…couldn’t tell you last time I had a hang-over. Decades ago. LOL

          1. Jenni

            Me neither but i do sell herbal supplements in my shop and know the perfect thing to take to prevent them anyways but just had no need for it πŸ™‚

    2. Sigrid

      Oooh! I was going to post something on the forum about the weekend starting. You beat me to it πŸ˜€

      Any mixer with bourbon is usually a hit with me. I like the Horse’s Neck at my favorite bar a lot: whiskey/bourbon with ginger ale. Mmmm.

      1. JDavisπŸ’š

        You’re not boring at all Annie. I appreciate your commitment to healthy living!

        Whatever you like to celebrate the start of the weekend is what matters. I’ve never tried soy chocolate milk and will look for that now. 😊

        1. Annie

          😁 Drastically decreasing the soda is an attempt to be healthier, the barely drinking part is just how I’ve always been. LOL *shrug I’d try different drinks when I was younger and they never satisfied me…I always would rather have pepsi. lol

          1. JDavisπŸ’š

            Ok got it Annie. I have a friend who is as dedicated to Coke as you are to Pepsi. That is one topic that really generate passion!

            1. JDavisπŸ’š

              I forgot to add I used to live in Atlanta, home of Coke. It was crazy if you were a Pepsi fan there.

              1. Annie

                Yeah, my sister lives there. LOL That’s Coke country. πŸ˜„ There are definite sides.

                1. JDavisπŸ’š

                  And now it’s fun time for me… where’s the bourbon!!???

                  1. Sigrid
                2. Sigrid

                  Even here you have Pepsi and Coke people. I’m Coke πŸ˜‰ Although I’ve mostly quit drinking it… (I drank Zero a lot)

                  1. Annie

                    I can’t do diet soda…or, really anything. I don’t know, it’s not the sugar part of it…it’s the taste. Most people are fine with it, but, it’s weird for me. I sometimes think I have some extra sensory thing going on, LOL, because diet (anything) has such a bad taste to me. I have the same issue if I eat red frosting. LOL I don’t know…weird, right? LOL

                    I’m trying hard to give up soda…but, still get one now and again. Compared to what I was having, it’s a HUGE improvement. It was bad!!

                    1. JDavisπŸ’š

                      Annie, I’m very happy for your progress in dropping you soda volume. I spent years basically addicted to Diet Coke, the only diet bev I liked. It took a long time to recognize that and then work to rid myself….which not totally successful. It is so very hard.

                      Keep it up!! You can do it!!

  8. Marcie53

    Listening to your episodes have been so enjoyable because they are natural and logical. Now I see why with how much thought you put into the setting, personalities, and sound effects. I knew this was professional and your explanation here shows what distinguishes your work from an amateur. Ok I really am a quiet introverted person and am finding myself a bit chatty. I can’t even believe you give us the opportunity to talk to you.

    1. Marcie53

      I should have added too that the depth and complexity of the characters (like real humans) make it seem so real.

    2. Sigrid

      Thank you so much! πŸ™‚

      I’m actually very introverted too. I spend a lot of time working on this by myself, alone in a room, so coming out here to chat is good.

      It’s wonderful too, of course, to hear from listeners. Otherwise, I’d really be sitting behind that mic by myself all the time πŸ˜‰

      In person, I can very chatty too, but it totally drains me most of the time. I guess any introvert knows that feeling!

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