A new sound for TLR

Hello, fellow romantics,

When I started The Lesbian Romantic almost 5 years ago, I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted it to sound like. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the equipment or knowledge to create that sound.

In the last 5 years, I basically bootstrapped my podcast. I made it work as best as I could. When I learned new things, I tried to upgrade my equipment and production quality.

To celebrate my 5th year anniversary in January 2021, I decided to invest in an important upgrade so that I could get closer to that sound I have always dreamed of.

For many years, I didn’t feel ready to take this next step, but I am ready now. Yesterday, I bought the microphone that I believe will get me as close as possible to my dream sound while still recording in my home office.

After testing the mic yesterday and this morning. I am positively giddy and overjoyed. It feels so good to hear that warm sound I’ve always dreamed of, and to simplify my work process at the same time. Ghah! 😀

In the video below, you can hear the new mic at work after some first hardware optimizations. This is more or less what it will end up sounding like in the podcast. (I’m waiting for one more piece of hardware.)

In this audio file below, you can hear me just after unboxing the mic and sharing some thoughts on a dream coming true. This audio was not optimized in any way yet, but it already sounds so much better than what you’re used to.

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In the coming weeks, I will start using this new mic for recording episodes. Part 4 of WTR is already recorded, so that one will still have the old sound. I’m super excited to learn more and get the most out of this new mic.

Hope you enjoy the new sound!



PS: You’ll probably pick up the difference in sound most if you use headphones!

One response to “A new sound for TLR”

  1. frenchie Avatar

    Congratulations on 5 years! Looking forward to the next 5 🙂

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